Launch of BE THE BOOK by Padmini Viswanathan & Aparna Kamakshi in the presence of author V. Sriram & Mrs. Seetha Ravi (Kalki) at Odyssey, Adayar ,Saturday, 17th August 2019, 6.30 PM
Author Padmini Viswanathan launched her latest work, BE THE BOOK in association with late Aparna Kamakshi. Together, Aparna and Padmini have written BE THE BOOK the Self –Publishing route to Self Discovery. This book provides insights into the many ups and downs of Self-Publishing and of the lessons learnt in the process.
What started as a fun and informative book on self-publishing turned into a humorous story of a literary journey from the discovery of a love for writing to the eventual self-publishing of two books. Like every other journey, this book took the authors long varied paths of self- discovery.
For more details please contact 04424453191
Venue: Odyssey, Adayar
About Padmini Viswanathan
Padmini Viswanathan has been living in Chennai since her marriage in 1969. She has been writing for her personal pleasure since 40 years. She has had articles published in many publications. She published her first book “Nostalgia “ in 2014 and “Mylapore Lodge” in 2015. Now together Aparna and Padmini have written BE THE BOOK, the Self-Publishing route to Self Discovery. This book provides insights into the many ups and downs of Self-Publishing and of the lessons learnt in the process.
About Aparna Kamkshi
One of the most gracious persons, Aparna Kamakshi was humorous finding a practical satirical twist to every critical moment, a leading light for forbearance and an iron will. Never wasted a moment, Aparna was ever industrious. Wrote, stitched, painted, helped, mentored ( many times unknowingly) packed in more than most without much ado. Her patience with needle work & her ability to write on simple topics & relationships were admirable. She was an asset in every job she undertook.