Redefining fiction content and portrayal of women in Tamil television space, COLORS Tamil, the youngest GEC in Tamil Nadu, is all set to showcase a spellbinding and contrasting friendship in its new show, Oviya. Set to be launched on November 26, every Monday to Friday, from 6:30 to 7:00 PM, the show will capture the equation between two friends trying to overcome the challenges of life and keep their bond intact.
The show revolves around Oviya and Gayathri, two contrasting personalities whose long-term friendship is tested by their love interests. Oviya is from a financially poor background but believes in sticking to her ideologies; she is much-liked by people around her, appreciating her kind heart and sincerity. Gayathri, on the other hand, is from an affluent family. She is manipulative and is willing to go to any extreme to attain her goals. Not too surprisingly, Oviya is a content person while Gayathri is constantly in search of happiness. The journey of these two young girls and the schism that develops between them due to their love interests forms the crux of the story.
Commenting on the launch of the new fiction show, Mr.Anup Chandrasekharan, Business Head – COLORS Tamil, said, “Oviya is yet another unique content that breaks away from the dreariness of everyday television soaps. COLORS Tamil celebrates and showcases the emotions, strength and power of women in the right spirit through our fiction shows. A step forward in this path, Oviya, will portray the willpowerof every woman who fights the external and internal demons like a warrior on everyday basis. I am sure;theshow will be a fascinating story that is relatable and touching.”
Watch the story of this unique friendship unfold on Colors Tamil channel every Monday to Friday from 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM. The channel is available in all leading cable networks and on all DTH platforms – Sun Direct (CH NO 128), Tata Sky (CHN NO 1555), Airtel (CHN NO 763), Dish TV (CHN NO 1808) and Videocon D2H (CHN NO 553).
About COLORS Tamil: Launched in the month of February 2018, COLORS Tamil is the youngest family entertainment channel from Viacom18 that thrives to entertain Tamil speaking viewers, around the globe, through distinctive and most powerful stories that empathise, inspire and celebrate a woman and her family. Positioned as “IdhuNammaOruColoru”, COLORS Tamil primarily focuses on storytelling and matches the heritage of the traditionally rich Tamil Nadu culture with qualitative and innovative programming. Some of our flagship programmes that were aired are Velunachi, Arya’s EngeVeetuMaapilai, COLORS Super Kids and OruKadhaiPaadatuma sir. Some of the exciting fictions shows currently on air are Sivagami, Vandhal Sridevi, Perazhagi and Thirumanam.
About Viacom18: Viacom18 Media Pvt. Ltd. is one of India’s fastest growing entertainment networks and a house of iconic brands that offers multi-platform, multi-generational and multicultural brand experiences. A joint venture of TV18, which owns 51%, and Viacom Inc., with a 49% stake, Viacom18 defines entertainment in India by touching the lives of people through its properties on air, online, on ground, in shop and through cinema.