- 83 children were screened by the team led by Dr.Neville Solomon, Cardio-Thoracic Surgeon, Apollo Children’s Hospital, Chennai.
- Of these, 28 children were recommended for surgery.
- The patients included infants and children up to 16 years of age.
November2019, Tuticorin/Chennai: AM Foundation, the corporate social responsibility arm of Singapore-headquartered AM International Holdings,recently sponsored a heart check-up camp for children. The camp was conducted in collaboration with Chennai-based Apollo Children’s Hospital and the Rotary Club of SPIC Nagar. The initiative was led by Dr.Neville Solomon, Cardio-Thoracic Surgeon at Chennai’s Apollo Children’s Hospital. He, along with his team, screened 83 children. 28 of these children were recommended for surgery.
AM International is committed to improving the health of the members of the most marginalised communities by providing them access to primary healthcare facilities. The Foundation undertakes the consolidated impact investing efforts of its member corporates.
The age of the screened patients ranged from infants who were a few months old to 16-year-old children. The screening was conducted using an Echo 2D Cardiac Toppler, a sophisticated heart screening equipment. The medical team looked into a range of complaints among the patients, including breathing problems, lack of appetite, obesity, and other symptoms.
Commenting on the success of the camp, Mr.Ashwin Muthiah, Chairman, AM Foundation and Founder Chairman, AM International, said, “At AM Foundation, we believe that no one should be deprived of quality healthcare because of their inability to afford such services. Paediatric cardiac care is an area that isneglected by caregivers because it is expensive and complex. Through the camp, I’m happy that so many children benefited from the expert diagnosis of Dr.Solomon. I’m also grateful for the support extended by Apollo Children’s Hospital and Rotary Club of SPIC Nagar. Together, we aim to givechildren the gift of health. By doing so, we are insuring the future of our country.”
Senior executives of Southern Petrochemicals Industrial Corporation (SPIC), including Mr.S.R.Ramakrishnan, Whole Time Director, Mr.E.Balu, Chief Operating Officer, attended the camp on behalf of AM Foundation. The camp also witnessed participation by senior Rotarians including Rtn. S.Balamurugan& Rtn.S.Arunjeyakumar of Rotary club of SPIC Nagar and Rtn.Dr.Sheikh Saleem District Governor and Rtn.G.Kothandaram Heart Camp Chairman of 3212 Rotary district .